Prayer of Salvation |
A Word for today |
The scriptures for today consist of a number of random thoughts. Each would make a powerful sermon. In the passage from Proverbs, the writer tells us that God’s glory is in what is hidden, but kings’ glory is in the search for God. We might know that heaven and hell are far from us, but we can’t know what’s in the heart of a king. Silver must be refined, for it is in the silver without the dross that we’ll have something precious, so too a king must be cleansed of wickedness to be righteous. The rest of the passage talks about our humility before the king, remembering to take the lowly place and to deal with our neighbors privately. The writer of Hebrews talks about being a good host, because in doing so we might actually entertain angels. We should seek justice, live honorably and chaste, avoid greed, be obedient to those who have been chosen to lead us, do good and share our resources with others.
The Gospel lesson tells the story of a dinner Jesus had with some Pharisees. In it, Jesus heals a man, and though they were watching Him closely, they could not argue with His questions. There was no reason He could not heal the man on the Sabbath, because they would save their sons or the oxen if one fell into a well on a Sabbath. And then He told them the parable of those who seek the high places and reminds them to invite those who cannot return the favor. The life of faith, the life of humility, is manifested in a life that is lived for others. When we trust in God, we need not pursue after the places of honor or the satisfaction of our lusts and greed. The humble will be lifted and the place of honor is much greater than anything a man can offer. We will be seated in the presence of God to bask in His glory for eternity. For this we most certainly can praise God. That’s what it is all about, trusting in God. We do not need to make ourselves better, but instead rejoice in God’s salvation and share it with others. The writer of Hebrews reminds us that even in death, Jesus was humble and obedient. He didn’t seek glory on the cross, or try to make his death something spectacular. Imagine the impact He would have had if He’d actually been sacrificed on the altar as the true Lamb of God sin offering. Instead, He was hung on a cross outside the city, a scapegoat for the rest of us. Because His death was outside the camp, we can partake in His life and enjoy the bounty of His grace. His humble action made it possible for us to share in both His death and His eternal life.
Weekly Meeting |
Sunday 10:00 A.M. Wednesday 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Friday
10:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M. |
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